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V-CUBE Solution Step 1b: Solving Two Adjacent Centers

In this step, we will be solving two more centers, this time adjacent ones. This will bring us to four total centers solved.

Now after solving the first 2 centers, we have 4 centers all in the middle to finish. At this point we can choose any center to continue with, since in this position the orange center looks the easiest, we will continue with that one.

3rd Center:

First let's do a z cube turn, placing our yellow completed face on R and the black one on L. Notice that we have regained a decent amount of freedom with this center, and as long and we don't do any deep u or d cuts, we won't mess with anything we've already completed.

Orange Strip 1: F' 3r U
Orange Strip 2: l2
Orange Strip 3: F' l' D r F' l2 r2
Orange Strip 4: 3R U' 3R' B' 3r' U 3r' r2

Odd vs. Even:

Now is the time you must know if your cube has fixed centers. The easiest way to check this is to count the pieces along an edge. If you count an odd number, your puzzle has fixed centers, and the piece in the middle of each face tells you what color is going to belong on that face. If you count an even number, your puzzle does not have fixed centers, so you will be responsible for assigning a color to each face.
More importantly, you will be responsible for building the centers in the correct order for your cube to be solveable and dealing with any parity problems that happen. After solving even cubes for a while, you will be familar enough with your color scheme that you will just know from memory what order to build them in. For now, the best way is to check a corner. The three colors on that corner will tell you what order is correct for your cube.
For example, if you've finished the yellow face, and see a corner that has blue, orange, and yellow you can see that Blue Orange Yellow is in a clockwise direction. Following this idea and using your opposites as a basis, you should easily be able to build 4 centers in their correct relative position.

Center 4:

Next we chose to build the blue center. See if you can tell what face (U or D) it will go on relative to the orange face. If you figured out that it will go on the D face, you're correct, and will also see the reason for our next move, the rotation x2. It brings the face where the blue pieces belong to the top, and puts our fixed center on the B face.

Blue Strip 1: completed already!
Blue Strip 2: D 3r F 3r' 3R' F2 3R
Blue Strip 3: l' F' l F' 3L' F 3L 3r U2 3r'
Blue Strip 4: D' 3R F 3R' F' l F l' F' l F' l'

These moves should have started to become a little more familar by now, and the ideas are the same here as they were on the second center. As always, try and see what each move does, and if you don't understand a move, look at what happens to every face as a result, not just the ones you can see easily. Also, notice things have gotten a lot more wiggly and we are running out of free faces to do our matching and postitioning on. The final two centers will be even more restricted!

Centers Step One: Solve Opposite Centers
Centers Step Two: Solve Adjacent Centers
Centers Step Three: Solve Final Two Centers
Solution Step Two: Solve Edge Groups
Solution Step Three: Solve as a 3x3
Solution Home: Solve the V-CUBE Start Page

News - Announcements

11/01/2008 : The exclusive producer and distributor of V-CUBE™ products, VERDES Innovations S.A., will present these three unique cubes at the 59th Spielwarenmesse International Toy Fair Nurberg, from 7 to 12 February 2008.

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